We UVCare
John Ryan, Managing Director
Some time ago we coined the phrase “UV Care” to provide us with a rallying call that would focus us on supporting our customers at all stages of their UV journey. “UV Care” has now become so embedded in our culture that it is central to everything we do.
- Our design philosophy which focusses on “Application Optimised UV” rather than general purpose UV.
- Consultative support during your purchase which delivers targeted solutions for your process.
- Manufacturing which puts quality first.
- Documentation that truly adds value.
- And above all a life-long relationship which maximises your up time by supporting your operation through remote, digitally enabled technical support and trained service technicians wherever you may be.

We recognise that your water process is central to your productivity and your UV is critical to your customer and brand security so we are making “UV Care” our life’s work.
We UVCare – So You’re never alone
To provide you with local support and to maximise your UV uptime we ensure we have technically qualified personnel close to where you operate wherever that may be. To achieve this we operate a Tiered system which provides local support but also provides access to the technical heart of the business when its needed.

Tier 1
Our Local Distributors or service agents
- Local, trained and certified service engineers as part of our Distributors team.
- Consumable parts on stock
- Warranty support
- Planned maintenance or breakdown service
- System upgrades
- Troubleshooting.
- Telephone and Digital technical support

Tier 2
Our Regional Hubs – Netherlands, China and USA
- Regional Field support engineers to support our Distributors.
- Consumables and frequently used spare parts on stock.
- Certified Training for Users and Distributors.
- Telephone & Digital technical support.

Tier 3
Our Central service support
- Technical support for the Regional hubs from the design team
- Training for Regional hubs.
- Quality management.
- Central management of the We UVCare platform for technical support.