Aquionics Appoints John Psaroudis as Aquatics Sales Manager
Psaroudis to increase customer awareness of chemical-free UV disinfection for pools and spas
Erlanger, Kentucky (April 22, 2010) – To further expand its reach into the North American pool and spa market, UV disinfection equipment manufacturer Aquionics has named John Psaroudis as Aquatics Sales Manager.

Aquionics new Aquatics Sales Manager, John Psaroudis
In his new role, Psaroudis will seek to increase customer awareness of Aquionics’ gentle, chemical-free UV disinfection equipment for pools, spas, splash pads, water parks and interactive water fountains. Additionally, he will aid new and existing customers through product service and support in these applications.
Prior to joining Aquionics, Psaroudis was National Sales Manager for PurAqua Products Inc. (Rock Hill, S.C.) for 7 years. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from West Liberty State College (West Liberty, W.Va.) and a Doctorate from West Virginia University (Morgantown, W.Va.).