Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Miljoenen spinnen in Wastewater Treatment plant Baltimore
Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
Friday, October 24th, 2014
In a recent article in International Food Hygiene, Dr. Roy Betts says: “There has been considerable work done on the survival of various human pathogens in bottled waters, and results suggest Salmonella could survive for over one year and E. coli O157 for over 300 days. This shows the importance of ensuring the absence of
Monday, October 20th, 2014
The following press release was issued by Confluence, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Oliver Lawal, President of Aquionics, and Lynda Eisenmann, Palintest Sales Manager, will both be present to discuss solutions to the issues mentioned. CONFLUENCE ANNOUNCES FIRST ALGAL TOXIN SUMMIT OF LEADING SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS TO ADDRESS HARMFUL ALGAE BLOOMS The Algal Toxin Summit will take
Friday, October 17th, 2014
Aquionics will be highlighting its UV LED disinfection line, Pearl, along with its traditional mercury y UV disinfection systems at the IUVA Americas Regional Conference, booth 9. The show takes place October 26 – 28, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (White Plains, New York). Aquionics’ Pearl line of UV LED disinfection products uses highly
Tuesday, September 9th, 2014
Berson’s Australian distributor Fluidquip has won the award for Best Trade Exhibit at the Water Industry Operators Association (WIOA) conference in Bendigo, Australia. The largest water operators’ conference in the country, the the WIOA conference attracts delegates from all over Australia. There were about 180 exhibitors and 1000 delegates and trade visitors at this year’s
Thursday, September 4th, 2014
New AmaLine LPHO UV disinfection system debuts Aquionics will be exhibiting UV disinfection equipment at WEFTEC September 29 – October 1, 2014 at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center (New Orleans, La.), booth 3134. Aquionics will be exhibiting its UV disinfection range for municipal water and wastewater treatment applications. Debuting at WEFTEC 2014 is the
Thursday, August 14th, 2014
Aquionics UV ensures product quality at California and North Carolina facilities When it comes to ensuring a consistent beer taste, the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company in Chico, CA uses Aquionics’ UV technology in its process. UV-C to be precise. The UV-C part of the UV spectrum is highly effective at breaking down unwanted by-products from the
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014
Business Development Manager, Dan Shaver, participated in a radio interview at AWWA ACE14 with Water Online Radio. In the interview, Dan discusses the changes from mercury UV systems to UV LED products and the benefits and opportunities of those changes. Listen to the interview below or contact Dan at to learn more. Dan Shaver Radio Interview
Friday, June 20th, 2014
The widespread use of UV disinfection technology for wastewater treatment globally is evidence, if it were needed, that it is no longer an ’emerging’ technology. Indeed, it is now an accepted, mainstream disinfection method used routinely by water and wastewater engineers across the world to safeguard human health and alleviate environmental pressures. UV is particularly
Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
Are you going to ACE14 in Boston? Then visit Aquionics and learn about our groundbreaking UV technology! ACE14 is the place to be this June, with thousands of water experts descending on the beautiful city of Boston, Mass for the annual conference and exposition. As usual Aquionics will be there with some exciting new UV