We UVcare is Berson UV, Hanovia UV and Aquionics UV working together to protect the World’s water without using chemicals



Aquionics webinar to help manufacturers optimise dechlorination of process water

Using ultraviolet light reduces maintenance and lifecycle costs of water treatment

Erlanger, KY (April 25th, 2017) – Ultraviolet (UV) ) disinfection technology specialist Hanovia and the Industrial Division of its US sister company Aquionics, are to host a webinar aimed at helping manufacturers optimise the removal of chlorine within their water treatment operations. The 60-minute interactive presentation by Tim McDougle, Hanovia’s Sales & Marketing Director and James Hadley Hanovia’s Western European Sales Manager, takes place on the 23rd May 2017 and will outline how UV dechlorination can reduce water treatment maintenance and lifecycle costs while providing enhanced protection against bio-contamination.

Hygienic applications such as pharmaceutical and food and beverage manufacturing desire clean water treatment technologies with minimal bacteria build-up and downtime. Combining pre-treatment with Reverse Osmosis is common practice for removing a broad range of inorganic and organic impurities and the addition of Electro-deionisation (EDI) in Pharmaceutical Purified Water systems guarantees sub-ppm levels of salts.

Although these stable technologies require minimal maintenance, they must be protected from oxidising species that affect performance and lifespan. Removal of free and total chlorine in process lines prior to RO and EDI is essential. To achieve this, two traditional methods exist: Activated Carbon Filtration (ACF) and Sodium Meta-Bisulphite dosing (SMB). Although well proven, these methods demonstrate certain limitations, principally that they are prone to microbial contamination that increases the bio-burden on EDI and RO membranes, leads to increased cleaning frequency and creates higher operating costs.

To help explain how to overcome these issues, the webinar will outline how UV light can be used as a dechlorination technology, replacing the need for ACF and SMB. This helps to deliver optimum dechlorination performance without the problems associated with these traditional technologies. Tim McDougle will begin by looking at the need to remove chlorine, the current technologies used and the issues surrounding them. James Hadley will then provide an overview of UV light, how it dechlorinates, and the advantages it provides over alternative methods.

The webinar will begin at 10am EDT. Register today to learn how UV dechlorination can optimise your water treatment process.

UV Dechlorination Process Map